Welcome To Purchasing

We're here to help!

我们的使命是为地区教育工作者、职员和学生提供指导和领导 管理人员通过与供应商社区合作,获得高质量的采购 商品和服务,同时确保符合州和联邦法律,董事会政策, and administrative requirements.  采购部努力提供系统 这些程序将使采购过程更有效率,更具成本效益 and user friendly.  我们致力于最大限度地利用纳税人的钱,同时保持 最高标准的道德、诚信、公众信任和透明度.


About Purchasing

  1. Vendor Information


    我们鼓励潜在的供应商在学区的电子招标中注册 and supplier management system. 通过电子投标,卖方将:注册接收 供应商各自领域即将到来的投标通知,完成并提交 在线投标,并在线审查投标表和中标信息.Vendor 不支付任何费用,利用网上招标系统.


    Vendor Registration


    我们鼓励潜在的供应商在学区的电子招标中注册 and supplier management system. 供应商可注册参加本区的电子招标 system at: http://procurement.opengov.com/signup

    要接收投标通知,请点击“订阅”: http://procurement.opengov.com/portal/collin. 如有任何疑问,请致电(972)758-3874与采购部联系.


    With e-bidding, vendor’s will:

    Complete and submit bids online



    这将是每个供应商的唯一责任来维护和保持最新的,他们的 公司信息在区级电子招标网站.  In the event of a contact 姓名变更、地址、电话等.,供应商将有必要进行编辑 他们的公司信息在网上招标.  据了解,所有投标通知 will be sent to the e-mail address supplied by the vendor; therefore, in the event 当电子邮件地址更改或ISP更改时,必须提供供应商信息 be kept current.  否则,供应商将永远不会收到投标通知 这样就失去了投标的机会.


    bet9备用登录地址利用地区网站、OpenGov和麦金尼信使公报 以通知招标机会.  这是唯一的通知形式 authorized by the District.  bet9备用登录地址不负责接收 从所列以外的任何其他来源收到的通知和资料.  卖方有责任核实所有投标信息的有效性 由列出的来源以外的来源收到.


    Purchasing and Bid Opportunities


    View Open Bid Opportunities - OpenGov

    查看关闭和授予的投标机会- OpenGov

    查看中标机会- IonWave


    处理采购请求的程序是由预算支出决定的 as shown below:


    $10,000-$49,999.99 requires three (3) written quotes.
    $50,000及以上需要采购部门发出正式的招标书 报上还登了法律通知.
    10万美元及以上的订单必须得到董事会的批准 placed.

    有兴趣与科林做生意的供应商将发现张贴的投标机会 点击“查看投标机会”链接,即可进入学区网站 at the top of this page.


    bet9备用登录地址利用这个网站、OpenGov和麦金尼信使公报(www.mckinney Courier Gazette).courier-gazette.com) 通知投标机会. 这是唯一授权的通知形式 由学院区提供,而不是直接由科林采购人员分发 member. 科林不负责接收通知和信息 从所列以外的任何其他来源收到. 这是卖方的责任 核实从其他来源收到的投标资料的有效性 listed.


    “科林鼓励小众、少数族裔和少数族裔参与征集过程 female-owned businesses. 科林不因种族、肤色、 宗教、性别、国籍、年龄、残疾或退伍军人身份."


    Submission of Responses


    bet9备用登录地址希望通过学区的电子邮件接收所有的电子回复 e-bidding system. 电子邮件和传真都不是可以接受的正式形式 bid submission. 希望以电子方式提交投标的供应商应点击 “供应商注册”链接注册电子投标.


    bet9备用登录地址采购部收到征求意见的答复 招标文件中规定的时间和日期,必须以 the manner indicated. 在指定的时间和日期之后收到的请求 被认为是不可接受的,将不开封退回给供应商. Delivery at 任何其他校园地点或任何其他系均不可接受. The time/date stamp 位于采购部的时钟为正式收货时间 manual responses. 电子投标回应将是时间和日期戳的系统.


    开标在采购部门举行,或在校园的其他地点举行。 as specified on the bid document. 欢迎所有有兴趣的人士参加 bid openings. 投标表可立即在该地区的电子投标系统上获得 在开标时间之后,但最初可能不包括任何手动提交.


    仅在征求建议书(RFP)或资格申请(RFQ)的情况下 提交回复的人的名字将被公布. All responses are open to 公示后,除标注为保密的信息外 case of an RFP or RFQ. 在这些情况下,查看响应的请求包含 收到保密资料后,学院区按照程序处理 在德州公共信息法案中概述.


    Award of Solicitations


    奖项颁发给为学院区提供最佳价值的投标人. In 在决定授予谁合同时,学院区应考虑以下因素:


    > The purchase price
    > The reputation of the vendor and of the vendor's goods or services
    > The extent to which the goods or services meet the college district's needs
    > The quality of the vendor's goods and/or services
    > The vendor's past relationship with the college district
    > The impact on the ability of the college district to comply with laws and rules 与历史上未充分利用的业务有关
    > The total long-term cost to the college district to acquire the vendor's goods or services
    > For a contract for goods and services, other than goods and services related to 电讯及资讯服务、楼宇建造及维修; 或指导材料,无论是供应商还是供应商的最终母公司 or majority owner:
        (A) has its principal place of business in this state; or
        (B) employs at least 500 persons in this state; and
    > Any other relevant factor specifically listed in the request for bids or proposals.


    奖励信息将在学院区的电子招标网站上公布 award of a contract.

  2. Cooperative Contracts

    除了由学院直接招标的商品和服务之外,科林 通常采用以下合作合同来满足其竞争性招标 对各种商品和服务的要求. 学院的一些合作社 district utilizes are as follows:


    > 德州学校董事会协会(TASB)

    > 科林县政府采购商论坛

    > 主计长全州采购司

    > E and I Cooperative

    > Equalis Group

    > 哈里斯县教育部(HCDE) -选择合作伙伴

    > 休斯顿-加尔维斯顿地区政府委员会

    > Interlocal Government Contracts

    > Omnia Partners

    > Region 10 Education Service Center

    > Sourcewell

    > 塔兰特县合作采购计划

    > 德克萨斯州信息bet9娱乐备用地址部

    > 德州本地采购系统(TIPS)

    > TXShare合作采购计划

    > U.S. General Services (GSA)

  3. District Surplus

    地区盈余可于网上拍卖,网址为 www.renebates.com. 盈余一旦可用,就会持续拍卖.

  4. Ethics Policy

    科林县社区学院学区的道德政策可以通过点击找到 on the following link.

    Ethics Policy  

  5. Contact Us

    Our office is located at 


    Collin Higher Education Center:

    3452 Spur 399室367,麦金尼,得克萨斯州75069

    Phone: 972.758.3874


    Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., excluding college district holidays. 赞赏任用,并将确保工作人员的可用性.


    请将发票问题发邮件至应付账款 acctspay@617885.com




    Cindy White,采购服务执行董事


    Phone: 972-758-3871
    E-mail: clwhite@617885.com 

    > Chief Procurement Officer

    > Directs District-wide purchasing functions


    Jennifer Wright,采购部总监


    Phone: 972-758-3879
    E-mail: jewright@617885.com   

    > Assists in the direction of all purchasing functions

    > Oversees and provides backup for the contract administration process

    > Oversees and provides backup for the construction procurement process

    > Backup for the Purchasing/IS Reporting Manager




    Phone: 972-758-3876
    E-mail: kbell@617885.com 

    > Assists in the direction of all purchasing functions

    > Oversees Requisition & Purchase Order Expediting



    Phone: 972-758-3882
    E-mail:  tphillips@617885.com

    > Agreements

    > Contract Compliance

    > Back up for Contract Management

    > Small Construction Projects




    Phone: 972-758-3872
    E-mail: krios@617885.com

    > eBidding system

    > eProcurement (Workday) system

    > Workday End User Training

    > Forms management

    > Back up for Purchasing public website and CougarWeb pages

    > Back up for Purchasing Administrative Assistant

    > Reporting

    > System Upgrade Testing



    Phone: 972-758-3885
    E-mail: eadams@617885.com

    > Professional Services
    > Large Construction Projects 
    > Major furniture and equipment installations



    Phone: 972-758-3874
    E-mail: ytalley@617885.com 

    > Bid notices (newspaper and internet)

    > Bonds and ads for construction projects

    > Credit applications

    > eBidding supplier registration

    > New suppliers and changes to existing suppliers

    > Renewal of contracts

    > Tax exempt forms

    > Purchasing public website and CougarWeb pages


    Tim Accountius, Senior Buyer


    Phone: 972-758-3878
    E-mail: taccountius@617885.com

    > Requisition & 采购订单加速(审核/分配采购订单给买家)

    > Contract Management (Review/Approve Contracts in Workday)

    >  Business Office

    > Amazon


    Herbert Harper, Buyer

    Phone: 972-758-3873
    E-mail: hharper@617885.com

    > Library services, supplies, and subscriptions 

    > Veterinary Tech Program

    > Fine Arts 

    > Health Sciences

    > Agriculture Program

    > Continuing Education

    > Furniture

    > Communications


    Diana Lau, Buyer

    Phone: 972-985-3793 
    E-mail: dlau@617885.com  

    > Athletic supplies and equipment

    > Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Biotechnology

    > Financial Aid

    > Fire Science 

    > Institutional Research Office

    > Law Enforcement

    > Police Department

    > Mailing service

    > Printing

    >  Business Collateral (Einstein Printing)

    > Student Services

    > Temporary personnel services

    > Vehicles

    > Automotive & Collision Repair

    > Sign Language and Cart Services

    > Charter Bus Services


    Jill Stine, Buyer

    Phone: 972-758-3811 
    E-mail:  jstine@617885.com

    > General Hardware
    > Plant Operations
    > Grounds Maintenance
    > Welding & HVAC
    > Construction Programs


    Kate Lynn Hamilton, Buyer

    Phone: 972-758-3870
    E-mail: katelynnhamilton@617885.com  

    > Audio/Visual equipment

    > Copiers/Managed Print

    > Data/Voice cabling

    > Human Resources

    > Other office equipment 

    > Office supplies

    > Software

    > Technology services, equipment, and supplies

    > Promotional

    > Screen printed t-shirts and embroidered polos

    > Culinary Arts/Food Services

    > Catering services (America To Go)


我们鼓励潜在的供应商在学区的电子招标中注册 and supplier management system. 通过电子投标,卖方将:注册接收 供应商各自领域即将到来的投标通知,完成并提交 在线投标,并在线审查投标表和中标信息.Vendor 不支付任何费用,利用网上招标系统.


Vendor Registration


我们鼓励潜在的供应商在学区的电子招标中注册 and supplier management system. 供应商可注册参加本区的电子招标 system at: http://procurement.opengov.com/signup

要接收投标通知,请点击“订阅”: http://procurement.opengov.com/portal/collin. 如有任何疑问,请致电(972)758-3874与采购部联系.


With e-bidding, vendor’s will:

Complete and submit bids online



这将是每个供应商的唯一责任来维护和保持最新的,他们的 公司信息在区级电子招标网站.  In the event of a contact 姓名变更、地址、电话等.,供应商将有必要进行编辑 他们的公司信息在网上招标.  据了解,所有投标通知 will be sent to the e-mail address supplied by the vendor; therefore, in the event 当电子邮件地址更改或ISP更改时,必须提供供应商信息 be kept current.  否则,供应商将永远不会收到投标通知 这样就失去了投标的机会.


bet9备用登录地址利用地区网站、OpenGov和麦金尼信使公报 以通知招标机会.  这是唯一的通知形式 authorized by the District.  bet9备用登录地址不负责接收 从所列以外的任何其他来源收到的通知和资料.  卖方有责任核实所有投标信息的有效性 由列出的来源以外的来源收到.


Purchasing and Bid Opportunities


View Open Bid Opportunities - OpenGov

查看关闭和授予的投标机会- OpenGov

查看中标机会- IonWave


处理采购请求的程序是由预算支出决定的 as shown below:


$10,000-$49,999.99 requires three (3) written quotes.
$50,000及以上需要采购部门发出正式的招标书 报上还登了法律通知.
10万美元及以上的订单必须得到董事会的批准 placed.

有兴趣与科林做生意的供应商将发现张贴的投标机会 点击“查看投标机会”链接,即可进入学区网站 at the top of this page.


bet9备用登录地址利用这个网站、OpenGov和麦金尼信使公报(www.mckinney Courier Gazette).courier-gazette.com) 通知投标机会. 这是唯一授权的通知形式 由学院区提供,而不是直接由科林采购人员分发 member. 科林不负责接收通知和信息 从所列以外的任何其他来源收到. 这是卖方的责任 核实从其他来源收到的投标资料的有效性 listed.


“科林鼓励小众、少数族裔和少数族裔参与征集过程 female-owned businesses. 科林不因种族、肤色、 宗教、性别、国籍、年龄、残疾或退伍军人身份."


Submission of Responses


bet9备用登录地址希望通过学区的电子邮件接收所有的电子回复 e-bidding system. 电子邮件和传真都不是可以接受的正式形式 bid submission. 希望以电子方式提交投标的供应商应点击 “供应商注册”链接注册电子投标.


bet9备用登录地址采购部收到征求意见的答复 招标文件中规定的时间和日期,必须以 the manner indicated. 在指定的时间和日期之后收到的请求 被认为是不可接受的,将不开封退回给供应商. Delivery at 任何其他校园地点或任何其他系均不可接受. The time/date stamp 位于采购部的时钟为正式收货时间 manual responses. 电子投标回应将是时间和日期戳的系统.


开标在采购部门举行,或在校园的其他地点举行。 as specified on the bid document. 欢迎所有有兴趣的人士参加 bid openings. 投标表可立即在该地区的电子投标系统上获得 在开标时间之后,但最初可能不包括任何手动提交.


仅在征求建议书(RFP)或资格申请(RFQ)的情况下 提交回复的人的名字将被公布. All responses are open to 公示后,除标注为保密的信息外 case of an RFP or RFQ. 在这些情况下,查看响应的请求包含 收到保密资料后,学院区按照程序处理 在德州公共信息法案中概述.


Award of Solicitations


奖项颁发给为学院区提供最佳价值的投标人. In 在决定授予谁合同时,学院区应考虑以下因素:


> The purchase price
> The reputation of the vendor and of the vendor's goods or services
> The extent to which the goods or services meet the college district's needs
> The quality of the vendor's goods and/or services
> The vendor's past relationship with the college district
> The impact on the ability of the college district to comply with laws and rules 与历史上未充分利用的业务有关
> The total long-term cost to the college district to acquire the vendor's goods or services
> For a contract for goods and services, other than goods and services related to 电讯及资讯服务、楼宇建造及维修; 或指导材料,无论是供应商还是供应商的最终母公司 or majority owner:
    (A) has its principal place of business in this state; or
    (B) employs at least 500 persons in this state; and
> Any other relevant factor specifically listed in the request for bids or proposals.


奖励信息将在学院区的电子招标网站上公布 award of a contract.

除了由学院直接招标的商品和服务之外,科林 通常采用以下合作合同来满足其竞争性招标 对各种商品和服务的要求. 学院的一些合作社 district utilizes are as follows:


> 德州学校董事会协会(TASB)

> 科林县政府采购商论坛

> 主计长全州采购司

> E and I Cooperative

> Equalis Group

> 哈里斯县教育部(HCDE) -选择合作伙伴

> 休斯顿-加尔维斯顿地区政府委员会

> Interlocal Government Contracts

> Omnia Partners

> Region 10 Education Service Center

> Sourcewell

> 塔兰特县合作采购计划

> 德克萨斯州信息bet9娱乐备用地址部

> 德州本地采购系统(TIPS)

> TXShare合作采购计划

> U.S. General Services (GSA)

地区盈余可于网上拍卖,网址为 www.renebates.com. 盈余一旦可用,就会持续拍卖.

科林县社区学院学区的道德政策可以通过点击找到 on the following link.

Ethics Policy  

Our office is located at 


Collin Higher Education Center:

3452 Spur 399室367,麦金尼,得克萨斯州75069

Phone: 972.758.3874


Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m., excluding college district holidays. 赞赏任用,并将确保工作人员的可用性.


请将发票问题发邮件至应付账款 acctspay@617885.com




Cindy White,采购服务执行董事


Phone: 972-758-3871
E-mail: clwhite@617885.com 

> Chief Procurement Officer

> Directs District-wide purchasing functions


Jennifer Wright,采购部总监


Phone: 972-758-3879
E-mail: jewright@617885.com   

> Assists in the direction of all purchasing functions

> Oversees and provides backup for the contract administration process

> Oversees and provides backup for the construction procurement process

> Backup for the Purchasing/IS Reporting Manager




Phone: 972-758-3876
E-mail: kbell@617885.com 

> Assists in the direction of all purchasing functions

> Oversees Requisition & Purchase Order Expediting



Phone: 972-758-3882
E-mail:  tphillips@617885.com

> Agreements

> Contract Compliance

> Back up for Contract Management

> Small Construction Projects




Phone: 972-758-3872
E-mail: krios@617885.com

> eBidding system

> eProcurement (Workday) system

> Workday End User Training

> Forms management

> Back up for Purchasing public website and CougarWeb pages

> Back up for Purchasing Administrative Assistant

> Reporting

> System Upgrade Testing



Phone: 972-758-3885
E-mail: eadams@617885.com

> Professional Services
> Large Construction Projects 
> Major furniture and equipment installations



Phone: 972-758-3874
E-mail: ytalley@617885.com 

> Bid notices (newspaper and internet)

> Bonds and ads for construction projects

> Credit applications

> eBidding supplier registration

> New suppliers and changes to existing suppliers

> Renewal of contracts

> Tax exempt forms

> Purchasing public website and CougarWeb pages


Tim Accountius, Senior Buyer


Phone: 972-758-3878
E-mail: taccountius@617885.com

> Requisition & 采购订单加速(审核/分配采购订单给买家)

> Contract Management (Review/Approve Contracts in Workday)

>  Business Office

> Amazon


Herbert Harper, Buyer

Phone: 972-758-3873
E-mail: hharper@617885.com

> Library services, supplies, and subscriptions 

> Veterinary Tech Program

> Fine Arts 

> Health Sciences

> Agriculture Program

> Continuing Education

> Furniture

> Communications


Diana Lau, Buyer

Phone: 972-985-3793 
E-mail: dlau@617885.com  

> Athletic supplies and equipment

> Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Biotechnology

> Financial Aid

> Fire Science 

> Institutional Research Office

> Law Enforcement

> Police Department

> Mailing service

> Printing

>  Business Collateral (Einstein Printing)

> Student Services

> Temporary personnel services

> Vehicles

> Automotive & Collision Repair

> Sign Language and Cart Services

> Charter Bus Services


Jill Stine, Buyer

Phone: 972-758-3811 
E-mail:  jstine@617885.com

> General Hardware
> Plant Operations
> Grounds Maintenance
> Welding & HVAC
> Construction Programs


Kate Lynn Hamilton, Buyer

Phone: 972-758-3870
E-mail: katelynnhamilton@617885.com  

> Audio/Visual equipment

> Copiers/Managed Print

> Data/Voice cabling

> Human Resources

> Other office equipment 

> Office supplies

> Software

> Technology services, equipment, and supplies

> Promotional

> Screen printed t-shirts and embroidered polos

> Culinary Arts/Food Services

> Catering services (America To Go)